Shift perspectives

Company culture can inspire and motivate. Or it can do the opposite.

We help leaders and companies revolutionize their culture. An inspiring and empathetic culture allows employees to find their passion and purpose within the workplace, increasing engagement and retention.

We approach culture strategy and implementation with the belief that culture should:

  • Start from the roots. Culture change is built upon positive aspects of the existing culture.
  • Foster collaboration and co-creation. An internal team with cultural and institutional knowledge preserves authenticity and ownership.
  • Embrace change from the top down, and the bottom up. Modeling behavior is important, and support is crucial.
  • Culture cannot be rushed, and change starts small.

The process is dynamic, not static.

Rules are meant to be evolved and occasionally broken. That’s what we call process disruption.

What we do
  • Articulate needs through a comprehensive discovery
  • Tie culture change to business impact
  • Develop a cultural strategy with leadership that identifies keystone decisions
  • Encourage cross-representation within a task force to spearhead culture change
  • Design culture change program and curriculum
  • Deliver participatory and experiential workshops to access cognitive learning
  • Develop practical systems and tools to integrate culture into work environments
  • Train internal trainers and facilitators to maintain and evolve change
  • Create internal reminders for reinforcing culture change
  • Coach and mentor influencers who are the early adopters of culture change
  • Design and implement surveys and evaluations
  • Provide feedback with recommendations

Can we help you? Let’s Talk.