Envision, Engage, Inspire

Growth Activity:
Learning from the Past

Not everything we do is perfect (if it were, life would be less interesting, and we wouldn’t have sticky notes or penicillin – both of which were developed after ‘mistakes’ in the lab led to new discoveries) so when we have a setback in a facilitation, or feel that things didn’t go the way we wanted, let’s take that opportunity and learn from it!
This is an activity that is best done with a partner to spark your growth mindset and learn from those times that are (ahem) less than optimal, or downright failures.

The activity
Work with a partner who attended the Envision, Engage, Inspire workshop (you can do this on the phone). It should take 20 minutes or so if one of you is working through the activity, 30 minutes for both of you.

Step 1: Individually, think of a time when you were facilitating, and it was not successful, then answer these questions (if you like to take notes, download and print this activity):

  • What went wrong?
  • Why?
  • How did you feel?
  • If you could turn back time, what would you change about the way you responded/reacted to the situation?

Step 2: Share your scenario and discuss alternative approaches with your partner.

Step 3: Switch roles (listen to and discuss the other partner’s scenario).


Every so-called failure is a learning opportunity, and we grow by learning from our mistakes. A partner’s perspective can bring diverse ideas to the mix and help you move forward more quickly.

Added challenge

What are other habits that you can normalize within your group to promote a growth mindset?


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