Developing a Customer-Focused Vision

Our Work

Defining a corporate culture change campaign



The western USA regional office of one of the world’s leading global construction groups providing comprehensive construction services and developing public-private partnerships.



  • The company was performing below its peers in value growth.
  • Client preference for the company declined by over 20% in the previous two years.
  • Employee surveys indicated that customer understanding, while a written value of the company, was not a reality among leadership and staff.
  • The company needed assistance managing a change in their cultural mindset with regards to customer-focus and understanding their clients.



  • WeekdayRx built consensus among the company’s leadership and facilitated the creation of a collective vision for the company and its relationships with its clients.
  • The team then developed a collaborative, evocative, and conversation-worthy internal campaign to reinforce collaboration  (among employees and with customers) leading to great solutions.
  • The company’s leadership teams were inspired and committed to implementing the campaign to ensure a deeper consciousness for understanding the customer throughout the company.