Professional and personal coaching for a senior finance director and a gender-based violence coordinator in a very challenging work environment.
Coaching Humanitarian Workers
An internationally renowned women’s rights and aid organization supporting traumatized women and girls in war and crisis zones in the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa, West Africa, Southeastern Europe, and Afghanistan.
- The client’s country teams often lack the experience and knowledge necessary to effectively implement and manage women’s rights projects, resulting in heavy workloads for senior management teams.
- The client’s senior management teams suffered from emotional distress due to the psychologically challenging issues on which they work, including domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and sexual violence.
- Senior staff live in personally challenging environments including group housing and remote villages with poor infrastructure and inadequate access to nutritious foods.
- The client was unable to provide professional and personal support to their senior teams working in countries lacking access to adequate psychosocial support.
- WeekdayRx designed a tri-partite and transparent remote coaching model between the client, senior staff, and the WeekdayRx coach.
- We provided individual personalized monthly professional and personal coaching for a period of 18 months.
- Coaching was based on mutual trust and provided support for stress, mental overload, and development of creative coping mechanisms.
- Senior client staff were better able to cope with challenging and burdensome situations, and were able to effectively lead their teams supporting traumatized women and girls.